
The protection of your personal data is important to us and we want you to feel safe on our website. We protect your personal data and privacy and process your personal data in accordance with this data protection policy, the Estonian Personal Data Protection Act and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

1. Name and address of the controller

Alpokami OÜ, Seminari 19, Rakvere, 44316 Estonia, registration code 16220494 is responsible for the websites alpokami.com in the sense of the Personal Data Protection Act and the EU General Regulation on Personal Data Protection.

2. Data protection specialist
You can contact our data protection specialist about personal data protection at: office (at) alpokami.com

3. Personal data
Any information about an identified or identifiable natural person is considered personal data. Identifiable a natural person is a person who can be directly or indirectly identified, in particular on the basis of an identification feature such as a name, personal identification number, location information, network identifier or on the basis of one or more physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social characteristics of that natural person. Data on the use of our website are also personal data. We collect the following information about the use of the website: information about your visits – for example, the extent of data exchange, the location from which you visit our website and the content you use on our website. We use log files and cookies to obtain such information. You can find more information about the use of log files and cookies in the document named “Cookie Policy” (https://www.alpokami.com/kupsiste-politikia).

4. Purpose and processed personal data
The extent to which we collect and process your personal data depends on whether you visit the website to view generally available information or want to use additional services

5. General information use
If you only want to view generally available information on our website, you generally do not need to provide us with your personal data. In this case, we only store the data that your internet browser automatically sends to us. These include, for example:

  • the IP address of your computer;
  • time and date of visiting the website;
  • the type, version and settings of your web browser;
  • which operating system you use (Windows, iOS, Linux, etc.);
  • data transfer volume and charging status;
  • from which website you reached our page;
  • other similar data and information that helps prevent and prevent the threat of cyber attacks on our information systems.

The IP address of your computer is stored in log files only for as long as you use our website and then they are deleted or made anonymous by shortening. Other data is stored for a limited time. We use this data to ensure the correct operation of our website – primarily in order to notice and eliminate possible errors, identify the load on the website and make corrections.

6. Additional services use
If you use other services of our company through our website, you may need to disclose additional personal data to us. Which personal data we collect in different cases is indicated in the specific data entry field. We only collect personal data that is necessary to provide the service you have chosen – for example, we use your e-mail address to transmit information related to the order if you have selected this channel. If you have chosen the option of receiving information by SMS, information about the order will be sent to you via SMS. If you have selected a payment method with a bank link, you will be redirected to a third-party website. Here we mention that we are not responsible for the collection and processing of personal data by such third party and this data protection policy is not cover third-party solutions. Some fields when ordering the service are optional. Data fields that must be filled in are marked with an asterisk (*).

Collection and processing of such data takes place only to fulfill the service ordered by you.

7. Online feedback form
In our online store, you have the option to contact us using the online form. The message entered there the recipient is Alpokam’s sales department. The personal data you provide through this online form, will be used only to deal with your request / feedback and will be deleted from the web server. However, it should be noted that the recipients of the message may retain the message according to its content and during the time allotted to the character. Your personal data will not be passed on to third parties. The transmission of the data entered in the web form is encrypted.

8. Newsletter
If you want to receive our news, we need your email address and confirmation that you are the owner of this email address and have consented to receive such newsletters. Them data is collected only to send the newsletter and to document your consent. Them data is not sent to third parties. You have the option to unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time.

When registering as a newsletter recipient, the following personal data is collected:

  • the computer’s IP address;
  • time and date of subscription to the newsletter;
  • In addition, we collect from our newsletter recipients:
  • input type;
  • the IP address of the requesting computer;
  • date and time; 
  • user software agent;
  • operating system (Windows, iOS, Linux, etc.);
  • from which website the request was made.

9. Basis of data processing
Data processing is based on the consent given during registration, which is also referred to to this data protection policy.

10. We do not disclose your personal information
We will not share your personal information with third parties unless you have given us permission to do so consent or if it is required by law (including in case of legal disputes). Sharing personal data with third parties may be necessary, for example, to respond to inquiries made during criminal proceedings, to avoid dangerous situations or to protect intellectual property.

11. Data protection and third-party websites
Our website may contain links to third party websites and vice versa. In the case of such links, it should be noted that we are not responsible for the content of third parties or for compliance with data protection principles. Please ensure that you are aware of the privacy policies of such websites before disclosing any personal information.

12. Data safety
The information you disclose to us is stored on servers located in the European Union. In addition, we take care of the security of our website and other systems by applying technical and organizational measures so that the information stored in them is protected against loss, destruction and unauthorized access, modification or distribution. We transmit personal data encrypted.

13. Rights
You have a right to:

  • receive free information about which data we process about you (right to be informed); 
  • you get confirmation whether we are processing your personal data (right to receive an overview); 
  • require us to delete your personal data, if this is also permitted by requirements arising from other laws (right to be forgotten); 
  • correcting and supplementing your personal data if they are incorrect (the right to correct your data); 
  • request restriction of processing of your personal data (right to restriction of processing); 
  • the right to receive one’s personal data in a structured and machine-readable format (right to transfer data); 
  • the right to object to the processing of your personal data (the right to object);
  • you have the right not to allow decisions to be made about you solely on the basis of automatic processes, such as profiling (right to receive information about automatic decisions);
  • you also have the right to withdraw your freely given consent to the processing of your data at any time.

You can always ask our data protection officer for more information about your rights and their implementation.

14. Deleting personal data
We process and store personal data only as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purpose and according to the established retention periods (retention periods resulting from laws or the nature of the transaction). If personal data retention period has expired, personal data will be deleted in accordance with data protection to legislation.

15. The right to file a complaint
You always have the right to contact the National Data Protection Inspectorate info (at) aki.ee if you want to file a complaint about our processing of your personal data.