
In order for you to use our website in full functionality, the e-shop installs “cookies” on your device to collect information about the use of the website.

1. What are “Cookies”?
“Cookies” are small text files that are sent to your device through which you access a website you use The “cookies” are then sent back to the website (or to another website that recognizes this “cookie”) during each visit to the website. “Cookies” help our systems recognize the user’s device and make your preferences (e.g. language selection) immediately available. As soon as the user opens the website, the “cookie” is sent to the user’s hard drive.

2. Why are “Cookies” useful?
“Cookies” are needed to:

  • Identify the device of the website user in order to display the content according to the user’s needs; 
  • recognize your device on repeated visits; 
  • to receive feedback on how to develop the website to provide you with a better and more targeted service; 
  • save information about the most important activities on our website, which in turn allows us to customize our website according to your interests.

If cookies are enabled, it allows, for example, to direct you to marketing materials according to your interests and to speed up the response to your inquiries.

By using our website, you agree that we may install the “cookies” described below on your device in accordance with the terms here, unless you have set a general prohibition of “cookies” in your browser settings.

You can find more information about “cookies” on the websites: www.allaboutcookies.org and www.youronlinechoices.eu or as a video: www.google.co.uk/goodtoknow/data-on-the-web/cookies/.

3. Different types of “cookies”
Basically, “cookies” are divided into two – the author’s or first-party “cookies” and third-party “cookies”:

  • First-party “cookies” originate from the website you are viewing and are used to recognize your device on repeat visits and to remember your preferences when browsing the website. In short, these are our “cookies”. 
  • Third-party “cookies” originate from our service provider and are used for web traffic analysis and marketing purposes

First-party “cookies” originate from the website you are viewing and are used to recognize your device on repeat visits and to remember your preferences when browsing the website. In short, these are our “cookies”.

Third-party “cookies” originate from our service provider and are used for web traffic analysis and marketing purposes.

4. What “cookies” do we use?
The table below provides more information about the “cookies” used on our website:

To identify the user’s language selection. Erasure in 24 hours

Used by Alpokami to store user browsing data. 
Deletion: Not timed

Google Analytics is used to collect data about unique users, unique sessions, limit the frequency of requests and store information about user sessions and offers.
Deletion: 118 days

Google Analytics is used to collect data about unique users, unique sessions, limit the frequency of requests and store information about user sessions and offers.
Deletion: Not timed

Google Analytics is used to collect data about unique users, unique sessions, limit the frequency of requests and store information about user sessions and offers
Deletion: 1 year

Google Analytics is used to collect data about unique users, unique sessions, limit the frequency of requests and store information about user sessions and offers.
Deletion: Not timed

Google Analytics is used to collect data about unique users, unique sessions, limit the frequency of requests and store information about user sessions and offers.
Deletion: Not timed

Alpokami does not manage third party “cookies”. You can find more information about such “cookies”. from third party websites. If you do not want to allow “cookies”, you can use your browser set in the settings that “cookies” are not allowed. If you want to allow only our “cookies”, but not the “cookies” of our service providers, please set Disabling third-party “cookies” in your browser.

5. Use of Google analytics analysis service
This website uses Google Analytics web analytics services provided by Google Inc., 1600 hitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 (“Google”).] Google Analytics also uses “cookies” that are stored on your device to enable analysis of website usage. The information generated by such “cookies” is generally sent to a Google server in the United States and stored there. However, since we have activated IP anonymization on this website, Google shortens the IP address in the case of the European Union or other member states of the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases is the complete IP address sent to a Google server in the United States and shortened there. At our request, Google collects information about how you use our website, compiles reports on web traffic and offers other services related to the use of the website. based on The IP address transmitted from your browser to Google Analytics is not linked to any other data managed by Google. You can prevent the installation of “cookies” by setting it in your browser settings. However, in this case, you may not be able to use all the functions of this website. To avoid Google’s “cookies” and to disable the transmission of data (use of the website and your IP address), download the browser plug-in from the following link: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

6. Changing preferences
Most web browsers allow you to control the use of “cookies” through the browser settings (e.g. notification of new “cookies”, turning off and deleting “cookies”). You can find more detailed information from the websites: www.allaboutcookies.org or www.allaboutcookies.org.